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Types of Hackers

White Hat – These are considered the good guys. White hat hackers don’t use their skills for illegal purposes. They usually become Computer Security experts and help protect people from the Black Hats.

Black Hat – These are considered the bad guys. Black hat hackers usually use their skills maliciously for personal gain. They are the people that hack banks, steal credit cards, and deface websites.
These two terms came from the old western movies where the good guys wore white hats and the bad guys wore black hats.

Grey Hat Hacker - A Grey Hat Hacker is a Computer guy who sometimes acts legally, sometimes in good will, and sometimes not.They usually do not hack for personal gain or have malicious intentions, but may or may not occasionally commitcrimes during the course of their technological exploits.
They are hybrid between White Hat and Black Hat Hackers.

Script kiddies – These are the wannabe hackers. They are looked down upon in the hacker community because they are the people that make hackers look bad. Script kiddies usually have no hacking skills and use the tools developed by other hackers without any knowledge of what’s happening behind the scenes.

Intermediate hackers – These people usually know about computers, networks, and have enough programming knowledge to understand relatively what a script might do, but like the script kiddies they use pre-developed well-known exploits (- a piece of code that takes advantage of a bug or vulnerability in a piece of software that allows you to take control of a computer system) to carry out attacks

Elite Hackers – These are the skilled hackers. They are the ones that write the many hacker tools and exploits out there. They can break into systems and hide their tracks or make it look like someone else did it. You should strive to eventually reach this level.

Coders-The Real Hackers are the Coders, the ones who revise the methods and create tools that are available in the
market. Coders can find security holes and weaknesses in software to create their own exploits. These Hackers can use those exploits to develop fully patched and secure systems. Coders are the programmers who have the ability to find the unique vulnerability in existing software and to create working exploit codes. These are the individuals with a deep understanding of the OSI Layer Model and TCP/IP Stacks.

Admins- Admins are the computer guys who use the tools and exploits prepared by the coders. They do not develop their own techniques, however they uses the tricks which are already prepared by the coders. They are generally System Administration, or Computer Network Controller. Most of the Hackers and security person in this digital world come under this category. Admins have experience with several operating systems, and know how to exploit several existing vulnerabilities. A majority of Security Consultants fall in this group and work as a part of Security Team.

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I am Boopathi. I'am currently perusing his bachelor’s degree in Electronic and Communication engineering and is working as and information security consultant and web designer. An ethical hacker and a freelance web designer is famous for his website Hacking Track which is for security field.I Love to spend time on Internet and researching on Hacking field and corporate security technologies and it’s my passionate too. Read more..

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